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Creeping Thyme

Similar to Thyme herb, creeping thymes can be difficult to start from seed. Because the seeds are quite small, they are usually best scatter across a growing tray and gently pressed into the soil with no cover. Thyme needs light and warmth to germinate, so water the soil thoroughly, then cover the tray in plastic wrap and put it under a grow light or in a sunny window on a heat mat. Thyme can take up to 12 weeks to germinate, so be patient! Once the seedlings are just below the plastic wrap, remove it. When they are 4” tall, you can transplant them to your garden. Once your thyme is established (about 1 year), it can be divided for easier propagation.
Creeping thyme can handle light foot traffic once it is established - and stepping on it will release its fragrance. it makes a great transition plant that will fill in the area around other plants (without choking them) like alliums, lilies, and spider lilies. Thymes are always at home in rock gardens, walls, and on rocky slopes. Many will meander down crevices, cascade over boulders, etc. Thymes blend well with other plants, too. Perennials such as betony, bee balm, sage, allium, pincushion flower, artemisia, yarrow, and iris make interesting companions. Good drainage encourages a vigorous carpet of thyme. Native to the Mediterranean region, thymes prefer dry conditions and average garden soil. Too much water and heavy soil cause thymes to rot. A top dressing or mulch of sand or gravel helps to thwart frost-heaving of the plants in winter and diverts water away from the stems and leaves. In areas with high rainfall, planting thymes on rocky slopes helps alleviate drainage problems, but it is also important to select the right cultivar for your conditions.
Most thymes prefer full sun. Watering and fertilization are rarely necessary once plants have become established. In fact, dry conditions improve plant vigor, and poor soil increases aromatic oil production, making thymes more fragrant. Humidity is thyme’s chief enemy. Damage appears as tattered foliage/naked branches.
In winter, if your area gets especially cold (Zone 5 and lower), cover your thyme to help it through the winter.
Creeping thyme grows to about 2-3’ across and about 3” high. If it starts to climb something unwanted, clip it back with shears.